LTI - H5P - Multiple Choice

LTI - H5P - Multiple Choice

Create flexible multiple choice questions


The Multiple Choice content type is your staple multiple choice quizzing tool. Multiple Choice can be used to test the learner’s level of knowledge on a given topic.

This functions as an assessment and includes the following interactivity(s): – question


This is a multipurpose content type that can be integrated into an aggregator content type, or used on its own. For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/ .

Multiple Choice questions can be used for testing well-defined skills related to a certain topic. Multiple Choice questions can be an effective assessment tool when they are created properly and the learner is given immediate feedback on their own performance. The H5P Multiple Choice questions can have a single or multiple correct options per question. Multiple Choice questions can be used stand-alone or they can be used in Question sets, Interactive videos or Presentations. Either way, they are created in the same way.



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Logo and sample from Tutorials for authors .