Bruin Learn - Content Migration

Bruin Learn - Content Migration

Bruin Learn helps instructors import their previous course materials to a new course site in various ways. The main gateway for it is the menus on the right of the main course page, but only importing existing content is accessible there. If you want to export course content, you should be able to find Export Course Content on the right menu within Settings. Content exports are quite simple and straightforward. you can download a file that contains either the whole course material or quizzes only as a .imscc extension format with which you could import on your new course site later.


Bruin Learn to Bruin Learn

Instructors can begin Bruin-Learn-to-Bruin-Learn migration by choosing Import Existing Content on a new course site page. For the Content Type drop-down menu, there are two options for a Bruin-Learn-to-Bruin-Learn migration. if instructors want to import directly from an existing course, choose Copy a Canvas Course. More options to choose from will then pop up below. Type the name of the course where you want to pull from in the Search for a course box. Then choose either All content or Select specific content depending on the scope of import. If you have chosen Select specific content, you will have a chance to designate which contents you pull on the next step. Date adjustment is also optional.

If instructors want to import from an export package file (in .imscc) that they have already downloaded, they can choose Canvas Course Export Package for the Content Type.

If you click the import button, new course copy work will be queued and run under Current Jobs below. Once the task is completed, you will get a Completed status in the green box, with an issue message if any.

If you have chosen to import specific content, your task is waiting for selection with the Select Content button clickable on the right. Click the button and choose what to import to your new course site.

Your whole import history is displayed here and downloadable for the next 500 days.


Copying contents to another Bruin Learn Site

Instructors can copy specific content from one of their courses to other Bruin Learn courses. Click the three vertical dots on the right of specific content you want to copy, and choose the Copy to… option. You can select a course and a module within it (this is optional).


CCLE to Bruin Learn

For this process, instructors should back up a CCLE course and download a Moodle-based mbz file first. More details are found in this page: Backup, Restore, and Importarchived.

Once you have downloaded an mbz file on your computer, Click Import Existing Content on a new course site page. For the Content Type drop-down menu, choose Moodle 1.9/2.x. Choose either All content or Select specific content depending on the scope of import. If you have chosen Select specific content, you will have a chance to designate which contents you pull on the next step. Date adjustment is also optional.

If you click the import button, new course copy work will be queued and run under Current Jobs below. Once the task is completed, you will get a Completed status in the green box, with an issue message if any.

If you have chosen to import specific content, your task is waiting for selection with the Select Content button clickable on the right. Click the button and choose what to import to your new course site.

(QB)2 to Bruin Learn

(QB)2 google sheets should be first exported to a QTI XML format from the add-on menu. From the Extensions menu, find (QB)2 - Question Bank Quick Builder → Export to… → QTI XML (Canvas) [BETA]. You may check the Export Options from the Options menu to make sure whether to shuffle answers before exporting. Once you click QTI XML (Canvas) [BETA], You will be able to download a zip file that compressed two canvas XML files inside.


There are two important caveats.

  1. The Dragdrop and Cloze question types are not supported.

    1. Pooddl recording is replaced with the essay type, as there is no equivalent in Canvas.

  2. Feedback is not supported.

Now navigate to an existing course site where you want to import to. Go to Quizzes and create a New Quiz (Note: Classic Quizzes don’t work) and Build (the blue button, not save) it. You will be directed to an Item Bank window. Click the three vertical dots at the top right and choose Import Content. Please drag & drop or browse the zip file you have downloaded from the google sheet.

Canvas Commons

You can also import a variety of materials from Canvas Commons. These materials include entire courses, modules, assignments, pages, quizzes, discussions, videos, etc. Once you have found something interesting to import, click Import/Download then you can designate where to import or download a zip file.


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