LTI - H5P - Image Slider H5P

LTI - H5P - Image Slider H5P

Create an image slider


A free HTML5-based image slider allowing users to create responsive image sliders with a full-screen mode in a user-friendly way. Make an engaging image slider with H5P on WordPress, Bruin Learn or Drupal. Present your images in an appealing way with ease.

Authors just have to upload images and provide alternative texts for the images. The next two images are always preloaded so switching between images will usually be snappy with no delay for loading the next image.

Images may be experienced as part of the page or in full-screen mode. When used as part of the page the system will pick a fixed aspect ratio depending on the images being used. Authors may decide to handle aspect ratios differently. 


For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/ .


Please see and example here: Image Slider

Help and Resources


Logo from Tutorials for authors .

Sample licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International unless another Creative Commons license is specified under rights of use. The author of the content is Joubel.