Bruin Learn - Adding Auditors

Bruin Learn - Adding Auditors

Auditing Classes | UCLA Registrar’s Office

These instructions are for people who have UCLA logons and UIDs already.


The Center of Excellence has yet to create a KB article for this access, but here are the steps for the current process (which are subject to change):

  1. The auditor self-provisions a Bruin Learn (Canvas) user account by logging on to https://Bruin Learn.ucla.edu/ one time via UCLA Logon ID single sign-on.

  2. Once that’s confirmed, the instructor or an admin can add the auditor to the Bruin Learn course site using a 9-digit UCLA ID Number (UID):

    1. Go to the “People” course roster in the Bruin Learn course site and click the blue “+ People” button

    2. Select “Add user(s) by SIS ID” (the Bruin Learn user SIS ID is identical to the UID for UCLA affiliates).

    3. Enter the UID of the auditor in the text box.

    4. Choose the appropriate role—for auditors, that should be either “Observer” or “Participant.”

    5. Choose the correct section.

    6. For unofficially combined course sites, check the box “Can interact with users in their section only” (for FERPA compliance).

    7. Click the “Next” button, confirm the enrollment looks correct, and click “Add Users.”

  3. Because the auditor was added manually via the “Add People” form in the Bruin Learn course site, an e-mail invitation will be sent from Bruin Learn to the auditor (as long as the course site is published; if it is currently unpublished, the e-mail won’t be generated until it is published).



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