
The purpose of this document is to provide brief explanations to common and straightforward questions faculty may ask DTAs about BruinLearn.

The RITCs (Research and Instructional Technology Consultants) provide Humanities CCLE support for instructors and students. They are reachable in the following ways:

To upload a syllabus click on Syllabus on the left-hand navigation panel of the BruinLearn course site.

  • Click on “Edit” and a text box will appear with several options.

  • Click on “Insert” and select document and upload document. Note: if the syllabus has already been uploaded to the course, it might be in the course documents.

  • Click submit and select “update syllabus”.

To upload a general file:

  1. Select “Files” on the left-hand navigation panel.

  2. Click on “Upload” on the top right corner of the site. Select the files you want to upload and click open.

  3. Your selected files will be uploaded to your course site.

Files can be added to Modules and Assignments as well.

  1. To add a document to a module, click on the “+” sign on the module and select files. This should give you the list of files associated with the course. You can also select the “Create Files” option to upload a file directly from your computer.

  2. To add a document to an assignment, click on the Assignment you want to add the document to and select “edit”.

    1. Select “Insert” and choose “Documents”. Here you can select “upload document” and upload a document from your laptop. To select a document from your course file, choose course documents.

Adding a video or Audio file can be done in two ways.

  1. Users can follow the same steps they follow to upload a document or follow the instructions outlined here: How do I upload and embed a media file from my computer in the Rich Content Editor?

  2. Users can add video and audio files from their Kaltura. To access their videos uploaded to Kaltura, users need to click on “My Media”.

Materials (files, assignments, quizzes or entire modules) can be hidden from students and later revealed.

  1. If they want to show an assignment, quiz, file, or page, users simply have to click on the publish icon which is a circle with a slash in the middle. Upon clicking the icon it changes into a green circle with a check mark indicating that the content is published. If users want to unpublish an item, they simply have to click the publish icon again. Once the icon shows an uncolored circle with a slash in the middle, it means the item has been unpublished successfully.

Both MyUCLA (, where course rosters are housed), and BruinLearn (, where course sites are housed), have their own Gradebook functions. We advise determining a gradebook workflow at the start of a quarter to minimize issues at the end.

MyUCLA’s Gradebook:

  • RITCs do not have access and cannot provide support. Redirect queries related to this to

  • This is the official gradebook of record.

  • All instructors eventually have to submit grades here.

BruinLearnn Gradebook:

  • RITCs have access and can provide support.

  • Accessed by clicking on “Grades” on the left side of the course site.

  • Will automatically store and show grades for BruinLearn quizzes and assignments.

  • Grades need to be exported from BruinLearn and Imported into MyUCLA Gradebook.

  • Details about configuring can be found here.

UCLA subscribes to Turnitin, a plagiarism checker for student papers. To create an assignment that generates a Turnitin report for student papers:

  1. Go to Assignments by clicking on “Assignment” on the left-hand of the BruinLearn course site

  2. Create an assignment by clicking on the “+ Assignment” button

  3. Check “Text entry” and/or “File Uploads” for submission type.

  4. Upon selecting either of those submission settings, users will see another dialog box titled
    Plagiarism review”. Select “Turnitin-BruinLearn” and then click on save and publish.

    1. Turnitin Assignment - more details can be found here.


Instructors can directly enroll students and non-students into their course.

  1. Navigate to the “People” tab of the site.

    1. This is found on the left hand side of the page.

  2. Click on “+ People” on the top right of the people page.

  3. A window will pop up asking instructors to add users using SIS ID (UID), Email ID, or Login ID and also select the role they want to assign to the participant. Instructors have the option to assign new users as observer, TA, student, participant, Teacher, grader or designer.

  4. Change the settings as desired and send the invite.

Next time the added user logs on to BruinLearn they will see a course invitation on their homepage. If you would like more details click here.

New faculty members may wish to access their course sites on BruinLearn prior to being able to create an official Bruin OnLine account. This can happen for many reasons, including delays caused by UCPath.

To do this, these faculty should:

  1. Set up a Bruin Online account not linked to their 9-digit UID or their UCLA e-mail account at

  2. Contact the RITCs at to request temporary access to this account.

The RITCs will grant this non-official account temporary access to the course sites until the official account is ready.