Instructional Media Production

Instructional Media Production

HumTech offers a variety of resources and expertise to help give your students the best experience possible. To talk with someone about utilizing these resources, please email labs@humnet.ucla.edu.

Lecture Videos

With our studios and editing service, we are able to produce high-quality lecture videos that seamlessly incorporate all your materials. Take a look at the clip below to see a short example. Each class and lecture is different, so instructors are able to utilize any combination of the resources and services listed below to create their material. To speak with someone more in-depth about what is possible, please contact our Lab Operations Coordinator at labs@humnet.ucla.edu.

[insert video]

Studio Recording


Though we are not regularly on campus, instructors may still request to use our studio spaces. The studios are equipped with 4K cameras, lighting, microphones, mobile whiteboards and large displays. The spaces can also be reconfigured to meet the needs of an instructor.

Safety is a top priority when coming to record content on campus, and we ensure appropriate measures are taken to combat any possible transmission of COVID-19. Information about what precautions are taken can be found here.

Take-Home Video Equipment

Instructors also have the ability to use small studio kits for use at home. These kits consist of a camera, microphone, lighting, green screen, and tripod. For more information about renting equipment, check out our Gear to Go page.


Video Editing

Editing your instructional content can be a difficult and time-consuming process. HumTech now offers a video editing service for Humanities instructors, so you can focus on teaching, not editing. Any Humanities instructor – professor, lecturer, or TA – is eligible. Please email labs@humnet.ucla.edu to request video editing.