LTI - H5P - True/False Question

LTI - H5P - True/False Question


Create True/False questions.

The True/False Question is a simple and straightforward content type that can work by itself or be combined into other content types such as Course Presentation. A more complex question can be created by adding an image or a video.


This is a multipurpose content type that can be integrated into an aggregator content type, or used on its own. For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/.


  1. Navigate to the “Pages” section in the lefthand navigation panel of your course site.

  2. Click the blue “+Page” button on the upper righthand corner of the screen.

  3. After entering a title, locate the plug-in icon in the menu bar of the editor. Select “Interactive Content - H5P” or “View All” if it does not show up as an option. Should you have to click “View All,” a window will appear. Click “Interactive Content - H5P.”

  4. Click the blue “+Add content” button.

  5. Wait a few seconds for the options to load. Scroll and select “True/False Question.” Enter a title, question, and question and change the settings to your liking. Click “Save and Insert.” Your question should now display.


Help and Resources


Logo and sample from Tutorials for authors.