LTI - H5P - Guess the Answer

LTI - H5P - Guess the Answer

H5P Tool illustration of guess the answer.


Create an image with a question and answer


Guess the Answer is a free HTML5 based content type allowing creatives to create challenges where the user is to guess an answer based on a picture. All you need is this content type and the H5P plugin for WordPress, Moodle or Drupal to start creating.

This content type allows authors to upload an image and add a suitable description. End users can guess the answer and press the bar below the image to reveal the correct answer.


  • Add a task description and image

  • Add a descriptive solution label and a solution text

  • Solution text is revealed on input from the user

This functions as an assessment and includes the following interactivity(s):

  • question


For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/ .

The Guess on Answer tool is useful when you want students to practice associating images with words, for example in a language course.


H5P Guess the answer in embedded in Bruinlearn



Adding a guess the answer on Bruin Learn

  1. Navigate to your page or resource and click “Edit”

  2. In the menu bar of the editor, you should see the “Tools” option

  3. In the Tools dropdown, go to “Apps” then select “Interactive Content


  1. The H5P menu will open, and you can either select a previous H5P collage you have made or create a new one by clicking “Add Content”

  1. Choose “Guess the answer” from the kinds of content



  1. In the editor, give enter a title, upload an image, and choose the answer text.

  1. When you are done, select “Save and Insert” at the bottom of the screen. Your collage should now display.