Bruin Learn - Wikis

Bruin Learn - Wikis

There is no tool called “Wikis” in Bruin Learn, so we have identified three alternatives that can be used to recreate a Wiki like tool within Bruin Learn.

 1) Create an Assignment and link a shared Google Doc that students can access to upload images to. Set the Assignment as requiring "x" number of points but not requiring any submissions (to prevent confusion on where to upload images). This way students can edit the Doc and the Assignment is graded. 

2) Create a Page in Bruin Learn and change the settings to allow both teachers and students to edit the page. Pro is it's all internal, you do not need to create and link BUT the Page can not be graded and multiple students can not edit at the same time.

3) If grading is not a goal, and the point of the activity is to create a shared bases of images for a shared Gallery, then a Collaboration can be made in the course site. Click on the Collaboration option in the left hand menu and then select who should be able to share in the collaboration.


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