LTI - H5P - Image Sequencing

LTI - H5P - Image Sequencing

Place images in the correct order


A free HTML5 based image sequencing content type that allows authors to add a sequence of their own images (and optional image description) to the game in a particular order. The order of the images will be randomized and players will have to reorder them based on the task description. Currently, Image Sequencing is not supported in Bruinlearn.


A stand alone content type, this cannot be incorporated into others. For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/ . This activity type is used for checking student comprehension of a concept that involves some kind of ordering--smallest to greatest, first to last, etc. Instructors can upload images representing each element (along with optional image descriptions) and add task instructions.

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