Bruin Learn - Syllabus Upload Steps

Bruin Learn - Syllabus Upload Steps

To upload your syllabus into your Bruin Learn course site follow the steps below.

Open your Bruin Learn course site in a web browser. Use the web address http://bruinlearn.ucla.edu.

In the left hand navigation menu, select “Files”.


In the upper right corner of the screen, select “Upload”.


And then from the window that pops up, navigate to a PDF of your syllabus and select it for upload. Once the correct file has been selected, either double click on it or highlight it and click “Open” to upload it to your Bruin Learn site.


Next, navigate in the left hand menu to “Syllabus”.


The click on the “Edit” button to open the rich text editor.


In the rich text editor, click on the down arrow next to the “Links” icon. Select “Course Links”.



In the window that opens on the right, change “Link” to “Files” and then scroll and select the desired syllabus file in the options below.


Lastly, click to select the file and then click on the “Update Syllabus” button to complete the Syllabus upload.

Plus, to provide a preview, click the link created in the RCE and open the “Link Options”. Choose “Preview inline” and check “Expand preview by Default” in the Display Options setting.


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