BruinLearn- UCLA Instructor Hub

BruinLearn- UCLA Instructor Hub

This article details how to enable the UCLA Instructor Hub, create TA sites, and combine TA sites in BruinLearn


To enable the tool:

  1. Go to Settings, and select Navigation from the tabs



  1. Under the Navigation tab, scroll down until your find the “UCLA Instructor Hub”



  1. Either drag and drop the tool into the above “Course Navigation” area or right click the 3 dots to the left and select “enable.” Save these changes by scrolling to the bottom of the page.



  1. The tool should now appear in your sidebar. Once the tool is enabled all teachers and TA’s will be able to see the tool. Students will not see the tool on their sidebar.

To create a TA site:

  1. Select the “UCLA Instructor Hub” from the sidebar.

  2. Here you should see all the TA sections (if instructor) or your TA section (if TA)


  1. Select “Create TA Site” and you should see a “success” pop-up once the site has been created




To combine a TA site:

  1. If a TA is assigned to multiple sites and wishes to combine all the TA sections into one site, they should select “create a support ticket”


  1. It is unclear at this time if we are able to combine TA sites as before (Bruin Learn - Cross-listing Requests )

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