Bruin Learn - H5P Arithmetic Quiz

Bruin Learn - H5P Arithmetic Quiz

Create time-based arithmetic quizzes.

This content type autogenerates timed arithmetic operation quizzes or linear equation based quizzes. All you have to do is decide the type and length of the quiz. Users keep track of their scores and time spent while solving the quiz.


  • Select between addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

  • Create linear equations with fractions at basic, intermediate, or advanced levels.

  • Set the number of questions for each game

  • Customize all texts


For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/.


  1. Navigate to the “Pages” section in the lefthand navigation panel of your course site.

  2. Click the blue “+Page” button on the upper right hand corner of the screen.

  3. After entering a title, locate the plug-in icon in the menu bar of the editor. Select “Interactive Content - H5P” or “View All” if it does not show up as an option. Should you have to click “View All,” a window will appear. Click “Interactive Content - H5P.”

  4. Click the blue “+Add content” button.

  5. Wait a few seconds for the options to load. Scroll down to “Arithmetic quiz” and select it. Enter a title, select the quiz type (Arithmetic or Linear Equation), and the max number of questions in the quiz editor. Click “Save and Insert” and your quiz should now display.



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