Bruin Learn - Roll Call (Attendance Tool)

Bruin Learn - Roll Call (Attendance Tool)

The Roll Call tool (alternatively called the Attendance Tool) allows instructors can mark students within their Bruin Learn course as present, late, or absent.

To use the tool instructors will have to add the Attendance section to their navigation menu on the left side of their course sites. Select “Settings” then under “navigation” move Attendance up into your visible navigation menu.

The attendance tool can be viewed two different ways by an instructor. In “list” view, students are listed top to bottom in alphabetical order. In “class” view instructors will be prompted to first ‘edit seating chart' where instructors can drag and drop students into a virtual seating chart. Once students are arranged into the seating chart instructors can switch to the ‘class’ attendance view where you can mark students as present, late, or absent via the seating chart.

Under attendance tool settings you can indicate if attendance counts towards the final grade of the course. We suggest not using the attendance tool (roll call) for the final grade of the course. Within Bruin Learn gradebook, the Roll Call tool is marked as an assignment. As such it required student submits before it will calculate a grade. You CANNOT change the submission settings for the Roll Call tool to be ‘no submission’ as this breaks the tool.

You can also indicate what a “late” attendance score is worth in the attendance tool settings. The default late attendance score is set to 80% for the day instead of 100% but can be adjusted using the sliding scale bar present in this screen.

Instructors are also able to create an Attendance Report using the Roll Call tool. To create an attendance report, instructors should specify which start and end dates to use. Next, instructors will have to provide an email to send the report to as attendance reports not generated in Bruin Learn, instead are sent to instructors via email. Attendance reports once emailed, can be downloaded from the provided link for 24 hours. They do NOT generate a grade. (see attached example attendance report).



Note, that students can not mark themselves as present, absent, or late using the Roll Call tool. Only the instructor of the course or those with higher permissions within the course are able to do this. Students instead will see a screen showing them how often they are marked present, late, or absent by the course instructor.

Note, if you delete the roll call tool, you can still access the attendance report under “Attendance” in your course site. It will save all previously marked attendance records and you will still be able to mark attendance for your own records here, but students will no longer be able to view Roll Call on their screens.

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