LTI - H5P - Agamotto

LTI - H5P - Agamotto


A free HTML5-based content type that allows users to compare and explore a sequence of images interactively. Authors can decide to add a short explanatory text for each image. You can create image stories with H5P and Image Blender (Agamotto) on WordPress, Moodle, or Drupal.

This functions as a slideshow and includes the following interactivity(s): – multimedia

When To Use

When you have content that works in layers (e.g., you start with a map, then show areas of interest, then show data on specific points, etc.). It also can be used when a set of images need to be shown sequentially to portray the passing of time for instance or ones that reveal more details. For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/ .

To use the Agamotto function, follow the instruction detailed in this tutorial: Agamotto

Help and Resources

Logo and sample from Tutorials for authors .

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