Bruin Learn - Question Banks (Quizzes)

Quizzes shells, once created, can be populated with single questions or question groups which are pulled from question bank.

You can create any number of question banks within your Bruin Learn course site. You can also bookmark question banks so that they show up under your personal Bruin Learn profile.

When adding questions to a quiz through a question group, you can link the question group to any question bank you have created.

See the additional documentation links below for step by step directions on how to create, bookmark, and modify question banks.


Additional Documentation:

Creating a Question Bank

Bookmarking a Question Bank

Unbookmarking a Question Bank

Moving a Single Question from one Question Bank to another

Moving Multiple Questions from one Question Bank to another

Removing Question Banks


Housing Question Banks

Question Banks should be housed in the DRAFT version of the site. They should not be created in private or restricted sites. Any edits to those questions banks would then not be possible except for by the original owner or Canvas admin.

If a question bank was originally created in a private/restricted site:

  1. Copy over the question bank from that site.

  2. Go to the Question Bank page on the new site.

  3. Change all the Question Bank names (this should un-link them from the original site)