

H5P is a free, open-source library of learning content templates built using HTML5, the most current HTML standard. This means that with H5P, instructors can create rich and interactive content efficiently in Moodle (CCLE). Instructors can create, share, and reuse web experiences such as presentations, quizzes, interactive videos, games, and more. Additionally, H5P content is mobile friendly and responsive, which is great for students whether they are using computers, smartphones, or tablets.

For a full list of available activity types, please see: https://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/

Adding an H5P Activity to a Course in CCLE

  1. Navigate to the Assignments tab on Bruin Learn.

  2. Click the + Assignment in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

  3. Fill in the name and description for your assignment as well as the point total and assignment group.

  4. In the “Submission type” menu, select external tool.

  5. Click the Find button and scroll down and select Interactive Content - H5P.

  6. You will then be prompted to either select or create content. Follow the instructions in the H5P window to do so.

  7. Once you have selected/created the desired content, be sure to save and insert the activity. This button is located in the bottom left corner of the H5P window.

Although H5P is an outstanding tool that allows instructors to create many types of interactive content, not all of it can be used to assign grades to students within CCLE.

Instructors should exercise caution when determining whether or not to use H5P as a graded activity. Nevertheless, H5P can be very useful even when not used for graded activities.

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