Bruin Learn - Improving Lecture Videos

Bruin Learn - Improving Lecture Videos

Improving Lecture Videos

The quality of lecture videos can have an enormous impact on student experience and learning, especially during the age of hybrid learning. In this article, we’ll cover small changes that can be made to your lecture video productions to make a big impact. We’ll also cover services and resources HumTech is offering Humanities instructors to help them produce amazing lecture videos.

Creating the ideal environment

  • Aim for bright light. Ideally, you’ll want to have the light source(s) in front of you. Avoid bright light sources behind you in the shot – this will cause the camera to adjust to that bright area in the frame, potentially obscuring your face.

  • Your students will notice what you have in the background, so take some time to consider what is behind you. If you’re not happy with how your background looks, consider using a virtual background.

  • Sound is a little harder to control than lighting, though there are still some things you can do to get better audio quality. One simple yet effective measure you can take is to let others in your household know that you’ll be lecturing. Find a quiet, distraction-free space to give your lectures, and close any windows and doors to prevent outside noise from creeping into your environment.

    • Any unexpected brief noises, such as a siren passing, can be edited out later (see below).

  • Finally, make sure you have a strong, reliable internet connection. Your connection tends to improve the closer you move to your WiFi router, so if you’re having connectivity issues, try moving a bit closer.

Presentation tips

Keeping your students engaged and interested in what you are saying is more of a challenge online than in person, though there are some ways to help mitigate this.

  • Firstly, raise your webcam to eye level. Raising your computer can be accomplished by using a laptop stand, or simply stacking books under your computer. Not only is it more of a flattering camera angle for you, but it gives your students the sense that you are speaking to them, rather than if you were looking down on your computer. Equally important is looking into your webcam as you speak, as if you were looking at your students directly. Though looking at a camera lens may feel strange, this will help give your students the impression that you are speaking to them.

  • The clarity with which you speak is tremendously important. Regardless of how good your computer’s microphone is, it will still pick up background noise that your voice will need to compete with, so be sure to speak up.

  • Finally, if your lectures are more than an hour long, consider breaking the recording into smaller parts. Students tend to retain information better when it is delivered in smaller pieces, so three 30 minute videos may be more effective than one 90 minute video.

Use the best equipment available

We can help

  • To help Humanities instructors create the best recorded lectures possible, HumTech is now offering a video production service. Instructors are able to utilize our recording studio and editing service to create lectures that look and sound amazing.

  • For more information on our video production service, see our webpage.

  • Instructors can also borrow equipment to use at home. Through our Gear to Go program we offer laptops, USB microphones, and even small studio kits that include a camera, tripod, lighting, green screen, and microphone.

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