LTI - H5P - Find the Hotspot

LTI - H5P - Find the Hotspot



Find the Hotspot is a question type that allows instructors to create image-based tests where students are asked to find the correct spot or spots on an image. This should not be confused with Image Hotspots, which are used to convey information rather than provide assessment. Currently, Find the Hotspot is not supported in Bruinlearn.


This is a multipurpose content type that can be integrated into an aggregator content type, or used on its own. Please note that Find Multiple Hotspots can only be used on its own. For more information on how H5P types work and how they interact, see http://humtech.ucla.edu/instructional-support/ccle-activities-resources/h5p/ .

When you choose to use Image Hotspots as a standalone activity, the first thing you will be asked to do is to add a “background image.” This will be the image on which Hotspots will be added. Instructors can add hotspots to multiple places on the image representing the answer(s), both correct and incorrect. When students click on part of an image corresponding to one of these answers, there will be a popup window that indicates whether the selected image section was correct.

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