What is Box Drive?

What is Box Drive?

Box Drive is a program that allows you to upload and access your data even when you are offline by creating a direct link between your Box account online and your desktop. For documentation on Box Drive’s functionality, please read this article.

To use Box Drive, you must first download and install the program.


Step 1. Get BOX drive

Open a web browser and login to your Box account at https://ucla.box.com. After logging into your Box account, click on your name on the upper right side of the screen. A drop down menu will appear and you will click on “Apps”.



Step 2. Pick Box Drive

Browse or search for the application called “Box Drive”


Step 3. Choose Windows or Mac

Download the appropriate version. A window should appear asking you to save or run the file. You can choose either one. Run the downloaded file to install Box Drive. You may be prompted to enter a password if you do not have administrative access. (Note: May look different on Mac OSX. If you have issues please consult your DTA)



Step 4. Input Email address

Once the program is finished installing, you will be prompted to login. A window should appear, asking for the email address tied to your Box account(this can be humnet.ucla.edu, ucla.edu). If you do not know what email address it is, please contact your DTA.


Step 5. UCLA Logon ID and password

From there you will be asked to enter your UCLA logon ID and password as you did previously to login to the web client. That’s it! You have successfully installed and logged into BOX Drive. A folder labeled “BOX” will be on your desktop as well as in your file folder menu. You can now drag documents and folders into that folder and it will upload directly to BOX for you.


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