Who is eligible for a HUMNET Email account?

Who is eligible for a HUMNET Email account?

All Humanities Staff and Faculty are eligible for a Humnet E-mail address. These accounts may be given to graduate students too but it is on a case-by-case basis.

Humnet E-mail addresses are Microsoft Office 365 accounts that are provided and supported by UCLA Enterprise Messaging. With a Humnet E-mail account, you will have access to all Microsoft Office 365 Applications.

HUMNET functions as an individual’s digital identity when accessing Humanities based resources such as workstations, printers, VPN, etc.

Visitor/Lecturer accounts are also available on a per-case basis. For all HUMNET account requests, please contact your departmental DTA or contact the HumTech Service Desk.

Please use the link below to find out who your DTA is or to contact the HumTech Service Desk.

Computing Support - HumTech - UCLA



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