How to Make Your Faculty Upgrade Appointment

How to Make Your Faculty Upgrade Appointment

This article walks you through how to make your faculty upgrade appointment for the April 2021 deployment.

  1. Go to the Microsoft Bookings page here: https//outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/FacultyComputerUpgradeTimeslotsApril2021@ucla.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/

  2. Left-click either one of the two services offered below “Select service”. The standard service is only 15 minutes and does NOT include a data transfer. The extended service is 3 hours long and does include a data transfer.

  3. Once you select one of the services, the calendar below will populate with the available remaining timeslots. Select the date and time that you would like to schedule your appointment. Then, scroll down and fill out the rest of the required fields and click on “Book” as displayed below.

  4. Once you click “Book”, you’ll receive the below confirmation as well as an email with additional information about your appointment.