Jamf Pro F.A.Q.

Jamf Pro F.A.Q.

This article explains the most frequently asked questions of Jamf Pro.

What is Jamf Pro?

Jamf Pro is an enterprise management software for Apple devices that simplifies IT management for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple TV. Jamf enables our IT staff to support macOS devices with greater flexibility and efficiency. This allows us to maintain a current inventory, deploy machines, update software & settings, and respond to security incidents much sooner.

If you’d like to learn more about Jamf Pro, please visit jamf.com

What benefits do I receive from Jamf Pro?

  • Reliability: Software updates and patches with little to no user interaction.

  • Confidentiality: Your data and files will remain confidential. Your personal data will never be scanned, indexed, or transmitted off the device.

  • Security: DTAs will manage the security of your machine. Software patches, antivirus protection, and firewall policies will be well maintained.

  • Compliance: Your device will always be in compliance with UCLA security standards.

  • Flexibility: You have the ability to install new software or get support through the use of Self Service.

What information does Jamf Pro collect?

We have customized Jamf to only collect the data that is required to support macOS devices. This includes:

  • Hardware Specifications

  • Installed Applications and Usage

  • Services Running

  • Available Software Updates

  • Local User Accounts

  • Security Status (Firewall, SSH, etc)

  • Connected Printers

We do not collect any personal information, such as the contents or names of personal files (documents, emails, pictures, browsing history, etc).

What policies are we planning to enforce through Jamf Pro?

We are currently planning to enforce the following policies on all machines:

  • A Red Folder will be added to your dock. This is a link to the “Red Folder” documentation created by the university to help employees who may have to assist students in distress, located here: https://deanofstudents.ucla.edu/redfolder

  • Every machine will be required to have FileVault enabled. This encrypts the hard drive on your machine in order to protect your data should your computer be lost or stolen.

  • The system Firewall will be enabled.

  • A password will be required on every machine.

Who has access to Jamf Pro?

Jamf Pro is only accessible by HumTech Support Staff. This includes the Computing Support Group and Labs Coordinator.

For any additional questions please contact the HumTech Service Desk.


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