Adding/Editing Footer menu items

Adding/Editing Footer menu items

Footer menus appear at the bottom of each website page and, unlike the top menu items, do not function as drop down menus. The Footer menus typically, but do not necessarily, follow the same order and items of the top header. However, if a department wishes to only have a few main menu items in the footer, or have a particular page within the site be featured within the footer, that is solely the decision of the department.

The footer menu will first be created by the developer of the website, and from that point on it is up to the department to decide what items to appear in the footer menu:

  1. Go to Appearance/Menus within the dashboard.
  2. Select Footer (Footer links) from the "Select A Menu to Edit" box.
  3. If you wish to remove a footer item that already exists within this menu, pull down on the arrow and select "Remove" at the bottom of this item.
  4. To add an it you will find the page you wish to link to in the "Pages" box on the right side of the page.
  5. Once added you can:
    1. Reorder where the item appears in the footer menu.
    2. Change the navigation label by pulling down the box.
  6. Save Menu, check the live site to ensure your item(s) appear.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.