How to edit the home page main menu ?

How to edit the home page main menu ?

  1. Please login to the back end of the website by going to this url - department.ucla.edu/login . Please solve the math problem and make sure you are on VPN. 

  2. Once you are logged in, you will see the Dashboard.

  3. Scroll down on the page to find “Appearance” on the left-hand side of the page. Click on the Appearance tab which will lead you to opt for Menus. 

  4. You will see Menus with various options as Edit Menu, Manage locations. 

  5. Click on the Edit menu and make sure to select “Main Menu” from the dropdown and press the select button. 

  6. Once you are in the main menu, please check that all the options you are seeing below match with your website’s main menu. 

  7. If you want to add a new menu item - please make sure that the page is already created and filled with content. 

  8. Try to locate that page first using the column with says “Pages” by searching the page title with the search option provided. 

  9. Once you locate the page please click on the checkbox and click on add menu. 

  10. This will add the page to the menu structure. You can drag and drop that new menu item to your desired location. 

  11. Once you have added the page and placed it in the right sequence with your existing main menu, please click the save menu to save the change.