How to use Broken link checker ?

How to use Broken link checker ?

  1. Please login to the back end of the website by going to this url - department.ucla.edu/login . Please solve the math problem and make sure you are on VPN. 

  2. Once you are logged in, you will see the Dashboard.

  3. Scroll down to find “Tools” and hover on it to see the option called “Broken Links”. 

  4. You will see a list of the pages with different statuses. 

  5. If you will hover your mouse over any URLs, you will see options like - Edit URL, Unlink, Not Broken, Dismiss, Recheck. 

  6. You can always click on the source of the page to view where is the link by looking at the last column. 

  7. Please fix the URL by clicking the appropriate option