How to add events to your website?

How to add events to your website?

  1. Please login to the back end of the website by going to this url - department.ucla.edu/login . Please solve the math problem and make sure you are on VPN. 

  2. Once you are logged in, you will see the Dashboard. 

  3. On the left-hand side menu bar - you will see an option called Events. 

  4. Hover the mouse on events and click on the option of adding an event.

  5. It will open up a form to fill in the details of the events. 

  6. Please fill up the title as you deem necessary. 

  7. Use the big rectangle box to fill up the details of the event as you feel necessary. 

  8. Please use the Add Media option to upload a new image or use the existing image if you have a need. 

  9. Please input the time and date for the events. 

  10. For Location - either you have to create a new venue or select from the previously listed venue. 

  11. Click on Venue to see if your venue is already listed. 

12. If you want this event to be listed as part of the Humanities website list of events. Please add this tag - “humanities”. It will take 24 hours for this to list on the website