How to Simultaneously Collaborate on Box Web Client

How to Simultaneously Collaborate on Box Web Client

The Box web client offers the capability of collaborating simultaneously with other users on live Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. In order to access this feature, follow the directions below:


  1. Open a web browser.

  2. Go to https://ucla.box.com and login.

  3. Select the document that you would like to collaborate with others on.

  4. Click on the appropriate application button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to open the web-based collaboration platform.

    1. Anyone that has been invited as an editor on this document will have the ability to simultaneously make changes via the web-based collaboration platform.

  5. All edits that you make via the web-based collaboration platform will be updated on the document and automatically saved.


Please note: there is no way to simultaneously collaborate on files via the Box Drive desktop client. All simultaneous collaboration must happen through the Box web client. This is a limitation of all cloud-based storage systems (such as Google Drive) and network-based storage systems (such as the share drive). If you would like to learn about the best practices for collaborating via Box Drive, please read this article Collaboration Best Practices on Box Drive | CollaborationBestPracticesonBoxDrive UnlockingFilesthatAnotherUserhasLocked