(QB)² - User Documentation

(QB)² - User Documentation


This application allows for quick and easy generation of Moodle quiz questions. Once the instructor creates the questions in the spreadsheet, the application enables them to export these questions to an XML document, which they can then import into Moodle. It also allows for the reverse - taking XML documents generated from Moodle and importing them into a spreadsheet for easier viewing, editing, and moving.

To use this application, first enter your categories in the categories tab (this minimizes errors due to a mistype). You then have 2 choices for how to create questions:

  1. Within the menu, select "Add-ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder > Add Questions (guided)" to open an interface to guide you through adding questions one at a time.

  2. Within the spreadsheet, use the pull downs to choose the category, question type, and value for each question.

(QB)2 supports the following question types :

  • Multiple Choice (multichoice)

  • Short Answer (shortanswer)

  • True / False (truefalse)

  • Ordering (ordering)

  • PoodLL Recording (poodllrecording)

  • Essay (essay)

  • Matching (matching)

  • Cloze (cloze)

  • Drag & Drop into text (dragdrop, AKA ddwtos)

  • Missing Words (missingwords, AKA gapselect)

  • Description (description)

  • Multiple Answer (multianswer)


You can install (QB)2 from the G-Suite Marketplace. You can also install directly from the Google Sheet by going to Add-Ons > Get add-ons.

Set up (QB)2 spreadsheet

You can set up the spreadsheet with the blank template automatically by going to "Add-ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder > Set up (QB)² spreadsheet". This will create all sheets necessary for (QB)². (QuestionTypes is a hidden sheet that does not need to be edited by the user.) This will also open up an interface to guide you through creating questions in a sidebar to the right of your spreadsheet.

This does not delete any pre-existing sheets except for those with the same names, so please exercise caution and make sure there are no existing sheets called “Question Bank”, “Categories”, or “QuestionTypes”. Set up is not intended to replace your existing questions and categories, but you may lose some content if originally formatted incorrectly.

Another alternative is to save a copy of one of the files below in your Google Drive. To make a copy, open the file and choose: File > Make a copy. Both links can be accessed from "Add-ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder > Documentation & Template".

(QB)² Spreadsheet Template - Samples (Recommended for first time users)

(QB)2 Spreadsheet Template - Blank

Finally, it is possible to make use of our Microsoft Excel template and add questions offline. Instructions are available at (QB)² - Writing Questions in Excel.

Your spreadsheet and (QB)2 are now ready to be used.

How to Use

Question Bank is the sheet that will hold all of your questions.

The Categories sheet can be edited to include your categories. This will then populate the categories drop down on the “Question Bank” sheet.

Add Questions (guided)

The easiest way to create questions is to select select "Add-ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder > Add Questions (guided)" from the menu. This will display an interface on the right-hand side of the screen for adding questions.

  1. Choose the desired question type from the dropdown menu at the top. The interface will adjust itself based on your choice.

  2. Next select a category from the new dropdown menu.

    1. If you have changed your categories since opening the interface, you will need to click Refresh first.

  3. Then, add your question.

  4. Depending on the question type, you may be prompted for answer choices and scores.

  5. You may also indicate here that a question will need media added within Moodle. This will add the text "[MEDIA]" to the title of the question, letting you see at a glance which questions need editing in Moodle.

You may change question types using the dropdown menu at the top of the interface at any time. Doing so will preserve your category selection and question text but will not preserve your answers, if any.

When you are done, click the Add button to insert your question into the spreadsheet. This will show the row your question was added to, in case you wish to edit it later. The interface will prepare for adding a new question.

Clicking the Reset button will revert the interface to its initial state, erasing any category, question, and answer choices currently displaying in it. Questions already added to your spreadsheet will remain unchanged.


Below is a brief description of each column on the sheet

  • Category – this is fed from the Categories tab. Categories are the main way Moodle organizes questions within a question bank. Enter your category here, and use the pull down arrow in the Question Bank tab to choose the category you want to place the question in. If you specify a category, all subsequent rows will fit into that category until a new one is entered. Upon adding your questions to Moodle, if the category does not yet exist, it will be created automatically.

    • Forward slash ( / ) can be used in the category column to specify sub-categories

  • Type – this is fed from the hidden QuestionTypes tab and is pre-populated with the question types (QB)2 supports. These are the types of questions from which you can choose.

    • The type of question chosen will automatically change the Value/Group/Answer format for that question

  • Question/Description – the actual question the student responds to.

  • Value/Group/Answer – This is a multipurpose field.

    • Upon adding question to Moodle, the answer choices will be randomized by default.

    • Currently accommodates up to 6 responses. Format of this field will change (drop down or free text) depending on the question type selected.

      • Value is the percentage (fraction) of points that the response will earn.

        • If you desire to give partial credit for an answer, the fraction column to the right of the answer can be adjusted accordingly.

        • Example: 100 = full credit, 50 = half credit, 0 = none. These are tied directly to the answer to the left of each fraction column.

      • Group allows for answer option groupings, for question types like dragdrop and missingwords.

      • Answer is mainly used for matching question type where the correct answer is set

Questions can be sorted by any of these fields alphabetically by rightclicking the top of the column (for Questions/Description, column C) and clicking either Sort sheet A → Z or Sort sheet Z → A (pictured below).


Question Types

  • Multiple Choice:

    • One answer should be the correct one; set value to 100.

    • The rest of the answers can be set to 0 or partial values such as 25 or 50 depending on if you want to allow partial credit for some answers.

  • Short Answer:

    • One answer should be the correct one; set value to 100.

    • The rest of the answers can be set to 0 or partial values such as 25 or 50 depending on if you want to allow partial credit for wrong answers.

  • True / False:

    • Only answer options should be TRUE and FALSE

    • One fraction has to be set to 100 and the other 0

  • Ordering:

    • Place answers in correct order

    • Value/Group/Answers do not need to be set for any answer

    • Default grading of answers is set to Absolute Position

  • PoodLL Recording:

    • Value/Group/Answers do not need to be set

  • Essay:

    • Value/Group/Answers do not need to be set

  • Matching:

    • The correct matching answer option needs to be set in each Value/Group/Answer field to the right of each Answer column

  • Drag & Drop into Text:

    • Groups of answer choices need to be set for each blank in the Question/Description, associated with a number. (Ex: For every [[1]] there’s a [[2]].)

    • The first answer per Group to appear from left to right will be considered the correct answer

  • Missing Words:

    • Groups of answer choices need to be set for each blank in the question, associated with a number. See previous for example of Question/Description format.

    • The first answer per Group to appear from left to right will be considered the correct answer

  • Cloze:

    • Question and answers are to be written in the Question/Description column.

    • Answers are indicated between 2 carets (^) or double square brackets ([[ and ]]).

      • Multichoice: write out the options separated by a comma, the first listed is the correct answer (ex: Phoenix: ^Arizona, California^ Sacramento [[California, Arizona]] )

      • Shortanswer: write out the answer between the two carets (^) or double square brackets ([[ and ]]). This is not case sensitive (ex: the capital of France is ^Paris^ and the capital of Germany is [[Berlin]].)

    • Value/Group/Answers do not need to be set

  • Description:

    • Value/Group/Answers do not need to be set

  • Multiple Answer

    • Used similarly to multiple choice but, At least one answer needs to be correct, and the total point values of all the correct answers need to add up to 100


(QB)² supports adding answer-level feedback for truefalse, multichoice, and shortanswer type questions to the XML file. This allows students to get feedback based on which answer they chose.

To add feedback for an answer, you incorporate it into the answer column after the answer text by adding [FEEDBACK] followed by the feedback text.

Example: “San Francisco is the capital of California [FEEDBACK] Please review chapter 5”

Feedback is automatically exported if it is present, so there is no need to do anything further.

Export to XML

To export questions from (QB)² in an XML format ready for uploading to Moodle:

  1. Go to "Add-ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder > Export to XML" to open the sidebar.

  2. Make sure the Question Bank sheet is the sheet you are viewing.

  3. If desired, click “Advanced Options.”

    1. Here, you can disable the default setting of shuffling the order of answer choices within Moodle.

  4. Once the spreadsheet is set up correctly based on documentation and all questions are ready, click “Export" to download a copy of the XML file, and import into Moodle!


When you export, an XML file is saved to the same folder the spreadsheet is in. If you do not have permissions to this same folder, it will save the XML file to the root of your Google Drive. This may happen if someone shares their spreadsheet with you, and you attempt to export. To avoid confusion, it is recommended to get permissions to the same folder.

Import from XML

Go to "Add-ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder > Import from XML" to open the sidebar. Make sure the Question Bank sheet is the sheet you are viewing. If desired, click "Advanced Options". The following options are available:

  • Import with HTML formatting

    • By default, import will remove all formatting from questions except for line breaks. Selecting this option causes imported questions to include HTML tags that will preserve formatting upon re-import into Moodle.

    • This option will generally make your questions harder to read and edit within the spreadsheet in exchange for greater fidelity upon re-adding these questions to Moodle.

    • This option is required if your questions already contain HTML or XML tags.

  • Import all XML files in a single folder

    • By default, import will read 1 XML file at a time. Selecting this option will allow you to select an entire folder instead. (QB)² will find all Moodle XML files in this folder to import.

When you are ready, click the Import button. A file picker will appear.

Select the desired file or folder to import.
Note: to chose a folder, click on it once and then choose Select. Do not double click it.

The questions will import into your active sheet, and new categories will be added to the Categories sheet. This may take awhile depending on the size of your files. When done, (QB)² will alert you to any error in a pop-up, as well as in a newly created Import Errors sheet.

Import Restrictions

There are a number of restrictions that may prevent certain questions or sheets from successfully importing. In all cases, (QB)² will alert you to any errors.

Sheet-level restrictions:

  • Due to Google restrictions, imported XML file must be smaller than 50 MB.

  • Due to Google restrictions, imported XML files may have limitations on the characters used. If an invalid character is detected, (QB)² will alert you to the file name and line number.

Question-level restrictions:

  • (QB)² will only import question types currently supported.

  • (QB)² supports only a subset of valid Cloze questions.

    • Cloze questions containing subquestions of types other than shortanswer and/or multichoice will not be imported.

    • Subquestions support only a single correct answer, without the possibility for partial credit.

    • Feedback is not supported within Cloze questions. The question will be imported, but feedback will not.

  • If a question contains more answer choices than supported by (QB)², all answers will be imported, but not all will be included upon re-export.

Other restrictions:

  • Media (videos, images, and audio) cannot be imported at this time. Questions containing this will be flagged with the file type that was present to remind users at a glance to add it within Moodle after exporting from (QB)².

Moodle Import

Import Steps

The following are steps on how to import the XML file to Moodle.

  1. Navigate to an existing course

  2. Go to Course Administration (this may also be called Admin Panel)

  3. Under Question Bank, click Import

  4. For file format, select Moodle XML format

  5. Upload the XML file and Import

  6. Navigate to the Categories tab, and you will see the newly generated categories with the number of questions belonging to each category

  7. Navigate to the Questions tab to view/preview the individual questions.


If you import without changing any settings under General on the import page, the questions will be automatically imported under the question categories for the course.

If you want the questions imported under question categories for a specific category, on the import page under General, unselect Get context from file.


If you want the questions imported to an already existing category, this category must be specified in the spreadsheet before import. Do not count on Import category option under General to do this for you.

For example, if you want your questions to be imported under Question categories for ‘Category: Humanities’ in the Default for Humanities category, make sure on the spreadsheet before exporting to XML file, to specify category “Default for Humanities” or “Default for Humanities / subcategory name”, and on the import page to unselect Get context from file before import.

Moodle Backup Import

If you decide to backup a course, you can get a quick summary of the course in Google Documents through our backup import. To get the backup, go to the admin panel and click “backup” under Settings & backup.

Proceed with the backup as instructed, choosing whatever sections you want to keep in the backup. The final result will be a file with approximately the format of backup-moodle2-coursename.mbz. In order to reach the XML backup file, you will need to unzip the .mbz file. 7Zip is a free tool that can do this relatively easily (read more here: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=350148). Once unzipped, you’ll find a file named “moodle_backup.xml”, which we will use for the import.

For the import tool, access (QB)2 and select Import from… > Moodle Backup XML [BETA]. Then import the file as you would a normal import.

The end result should be a document somewhat like this!


  • The Moodle Backup XML file cuts off some of the longer titles that summarize the course activities.

  • Images and other metadata aren’t parsed entirely correctly, as that’s what remains in the XML file (for example, the “{%: Description}” in the image).

Canvas (QTI XML) Export

Exporting from Sheets to Canvas XML works the same way as exporting from Sheets to Moodle XML.

  1. Go to "Add-ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder > Export To… > QTI XML (Canvas) [BETA]" to open the sidebar.

  2. Make sure the Question Bank sheet is the sheet you are viewing.

  3. If desired, click “Advanced Options.”

    1. Here, you can disable the default setting of shuffling the order of answer choices within Canvas.

  4. Once the spreadsheet is set up correctly based on documentation and all questions are ready, click “Export" to download a zip file with the necessary XML files, and import into Canvas!

There are two important caveats.

  1. The Dragdrop and Cloze questiontypes are not supported.

    1. Pooddlrecording is replaced with the essay type, as there is no equivalent in Canvas.

  2. Feedback is not supported.

Unsupported features are automatically removed from the quiz during export (with notification to the user).

Importing QTI XML to Canvas

The following instructions are to import a QTI .zip file from the Question Bank Quick Builder (QB^2) into Bruin Learn.

  1. Navigate to the existing course where you with to import the question bank.

  2. Under Home, select to Import Existing Content, located on the right side of the screen.


3. Under content type, select QTI .zip for the file type. Then choose the QTI XML (Canvas) BETA file you
exported from the Question Bank Quick Builder.


4. Start Import

5. Next, navigate to the Quizzes section in the left-hand navigation menu.

6. Create a new Classic Quiz.


7. Select the Questions tab in the newly created quiz and then select “Find Questions”. This will open up a
separate window where you can scroll through your existing Question Banks.


8. Click on “View Course Question Banks” in the upper right corner of the new window. This will navigate
you to the full list of your courses question banks.


9. Scroll until you find a Question Banks titled “No Name”. This is the newly imported question bank. For
reasons we are not sure of, it will import as “No Name” even if you try to import to a newly created or
already existing question bank.

10. Now you can rename the question bank accordingly.

NOTE: An alternative way to get to your Questions Banks in Bruin Learn Classic Quizzes it to navigate to the Quizzes section in the left-hand navigation menu. Then click on the three vertical dots to the right of the “+ Quiz” button and from the drop-down menu, select “Manage Question Banks”. This will bring you to your question banks list.


Below is for New Quizzes, DO NOT USE THIS!

  1. Navigate to an existing course

  2. Go to Quizzes

  3. Create a quiz (make sure to select “New Quiz” as the quiz type), and once created, click the menu on the top right and then Import Content.

  4. Upload the ZIP file that you downloaded on export

  5. The quiz questions are now imported!

You can also import the questions into a question bank, then select the questions you want to import into the quiz that way. More info on that here: How do I import questions from a QTI package into an item bank in New Quizzes?

Offline Spreadsheet

Google Sheets is great, but the main disadvantage it presents for writing question banks is that you will need an internet connection to use it. If you would like to write your questions offline, visit (QB)² - Writing Questions in Excel

Blocked App? Accessing a Local Copy

We are currently working with Google Support in order to resolve the Blocked App issue many if you may be experiencing. In the meantime you can use a version of the tool by going to this sheet:


File > Make a copy, and save a copy of it in your google drive.

A local copy of the tool will be copied over as well.

It may take a moment to load the tool, but once its loaded, you can go to Add Ons > (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder [LOCAL VERSION] and use the app like usual

You may have to authorize the app when trying to navigate the tool

You may also get this message:

Do not be alarmed by this message. This version of the tool only lives on the spreadsheet you copied. It is not the live tool. Click on Advanced, then click on Go to (QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder [LOCAL VERSION]


For any questions, bug reports, or suggestions for improvements please email us at support@humnet.ucla.edu

Git Repo: https://bitbucket.org/uclacdh/qb-2-question-bank-quick-builder


Developed By:

Lillian Hawasli, Instructional Programmer

Thomas Garbelotti, UCLA Humanities Instructional Technology Coordinator

Benjamin Niedzielski, Research & Instructional Technology Consultant

Amy Zhao, Student Programmer

Jakin Wang, Student Programmer

Rockford Mankini, Student Programmer


Logo/Art By:

Robert Farley, Research & Instructional Technology Consultant



Instructional Technology Group at Humanities Technology (HumTech), UCLA


Current Version

Release: Version 5.1.1

Released on: 05/14/2021


Change Log

Release Notes


Copyright © 2021 The Regents of the University of California.

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