Campus Partners
Digital Humanities- The Digital Humanities program is the curricular arm of DH at UCLA, offering a certificate for graduate students and a minor for undergrads. The program is currently preparing a proposal to become an autonomous degree-granting (major and minor) Department of Digital Humanities in the Humanities Division.
UCLA Data Squad- a team of undergraduate students who support data-related projects at UCLA. Our mission is to facilitate data processes for sustainable, replicable, and reproducible research, teaching, and workflows.
UCLA Library Data Science Center- The UCLA Library Data Science Center offers support in all stages of the data life cycle. Our services include consultation, training, and documentation.
UCLA Data X- offers programs and services to students, faculty, researchers, and partners across disciplines who engage in activities related to data: collecting, archiving, storing, processing, analyzing, and using data to make predictions, decisions, and even critique of such use.
Institute for Digital Research & Education (IDRE)- lead a campus-wide effort on innovative research and education on the use and development of advanced cyberinfrastructure methods, tools, and services. This involves bringing together researchers working in domain, computational, data, and information sciences, and digital scholarship and creative activities.
UCLA Social Sciences High-Performance Computing- The Social Sciences High-Performance Computing Cluster facilitates the use of major software packages with substantial resource requirements for research across the Social Sciences.
Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC)- composed of specialized teams working together to facilitate research computing, digital scholarship, and applications of advanced technologies at UCLA