This room has chairs and space for 12 people seated and another 10 standing.
There is a large table at the center of the room that is made up of 3 smaller tables that are side-by-side. These tables have wheels and can be moved. The chairs also have wheels and can be moved.
Internet Access
All UCLA Wifi networks (eduroam, UCLA_WIFI, and UCLA_WEB) are accessible in this room
There are no publicly-accessible ethernet ports available in this room
Video/Projection: Samsung TV
The Logitech camera and microphone are set as the default camera and microphone for the Mac Mini. Using the installed Mac Mini and Logitech combination will yield the best video and audio results for any type of teleconferencing that needs to happen in this room.
The base, which includes the microphones, is located inside of the media cabinet.
The camera is located above the TV. It is high enough that it is out of reach, and it is able to capture the entire room.
The camera is controlled by the buttons on the base.
Internet Access
All UCLA Wifi networks (eduroam, UCLA_WIFI, and UCLA_WEB) are accessible in this room
- There are no publicly-accessible ethernet ports available in this room