CCLE Servers - Archive, Test, Stage, Production, and Vanilla

Understanding CCLE Server Structure

This lesson will explain the function and purpose of the multiple CCLE servers used on campus.

  1. Archive. The archive server hosts sites for courses held before Summer 2012 only. If an instructor requests materials from a course prior to Summer 2012, you can backup and restore the course from the archive server onto any of the other servers.

    1. NOTE: RITCS do not have access to the Archive Server. If a RITC needs to use the Archive Server they need to contact the Teaching Resource Center Coordinator or CCLE Home Support to gain access.

    2. NOTE: Archive server will not open in Chrome or Safari as of 2/2018. Use FireFox.

  2. Test. A server used to test out the features of CCLE/Moodle. Maintained continually for use in recurring testing needs related to updating Moodle.

  3. Stage. Stage contains data that was recently on the live production server. Every 2 weeks, stage is updated, meaning that it may be possible to recover recently-changed or deleted data here.

  4. Production. This server is where courses and collaboration sites are hosted.

    1. See this page for a breakdown of CCLE support staff by subject area. This is helpful for inquiries about course sites outside of the humanities.

  5. Vanilla. This server hosts a version of CCLE that includes none of the customizations that have been applied to other versions.

  6. Our log-in credentials are: username: superritc; password: R!tcF3v3r

Further Comments

Each server has a different-colored banner. When finding unexpected behavior in a site, one good troubleshooting check is determining whether a RITC is logged on to the appropriate server. Additionally, it is a good idea to always check the RITC is logged in with their RITC account instead of their student account. Using different browsers to avoid confusion is a good idea.