Building Course and Collaborative Sites

Building Course and Collaborative Sites

This document describes the procedure for building course sites and approving collaborative site requests when handled on a case-by-case basis. The bulk quarterly course build is the responsibility of the RITCs’ supervisor, but instructors often ask for courses builds earlier in the year.

This document explains how to access the UCLA Course Build Requester and how to initiate a course build request for a single course. It also explains how to access the Collab Site request queue and approve/deny collab site requests.


Building A Single Course Site

  1. From the Site administration menu, select Courses > UCLA course requester.

  2. On the new page, under “Get classes from Registrar,” you can do one of the following:

    1. In the first option, select the appropriate term from the drop-down menu or enter the nine-digit SRS number for the course in the next field, then click “Get course.”

      1. N.B. With this option, you will often have to obtain the SRS number beforehand. You may use the link “SRS number lookup (Registrar)” at the bottom left of “Get classes from Registrar,” which will direct you to the Schedule of Classes at https://sa.ucla.edu/ro/public/soc.

    2. In the second option, select the appropriate term from the drop-down menu, select the correct subject area from the second drop-down menu, then click “Get subject area courses.”

  3. Below the entry area, either the individual course (first option) or the entire subject area (second option) will appear in a table that includes the course number, title, instructor, and build status. If the course site hasn’t been built, there will be check marks in the checkboxes for “E-mail instructor” and “To be built.”

  4. Ensure that the class has not been canceled or already built.

  5. If you are only building one course site, and you have selected a subject area that includes additional classes not yet built, uncheck the “To be built” checkboxes for all unrelated course sites. This can be done in bulk with this box, found near the top of the page:

  6. Then, scroll (all the way) to the bottom of the page and click “Submit requests.”

  7. The course will be built according to the Build schedule posted at the top of the page. Notify the instructor that his/her course site will be available within 24 hours.

Building A Collab Site

CCLE routes its requests for collaboration (collab) sites through the Help & Feedback link on the right side of the top CCLE banner. An instructor, student or staff member may initiate one of these requests, or a RITC can generate one of these requests internally.

A CCLE Support person (for Humanities, that would be the RITCs) must approve all requests for collab sites. Here’s how:

  1. A request to build a collab site will produce a ticket for the RITCs.

  2. Use the stable URL in the ticket to navigate to the request in CCLE. You can also reach it directly via Site administration > Courses > Pending requests.

  3. Evaluate the collab site request and click the appropriate button for “Approve” or “Reject...”

  4. You will be taken to the collab site’s Edit settings page. Here, you may need to place the site in the correct category and ensure that the correct collab site type has been selected. Save changes.

  5. A notification email will be sent to the site requester automatically. Please be sure to close both the ticket when finished.