Hosting Comparison Chart

Hosting Comparison Chart

How to choose your level of service based on activity/task.

Activity / Task

Fully Managed Hosting

Self-Managed Hosting


Fully hosted and maintained on HumTech’s servers.

Client manages own AWS hosting environment.   

Theme Configuration

Setup and configuration

HumTech may share proprietary theme and plugins

Server Maintenance

Server operating system and services managed and updated by HumTech

Client is fully responsible

Software Maintenance (CMS)

WordPress theme and all pre-installed plugins and dependencies will be managed and updated by HumTech

Client is fully responsible

Compliance Scanning

Regular scanning for UCLA policy/regulatory requirements

Client is fully responsible


Scheduled backups to prevent data loss

Client is fully responsible


Dedicated support through regular office hours

No support offered.

Compliance and security

Client is fully responsible to ensure compliance with UCLA policy/regulatory requirements, must respond to HumTech's security and regulatory communications in a timely fashion

Client is fully responsible to ensure compliance with UCLA policy/regulatory requirements


Client is fully responsible

Client is fully responsible

Hosting Costs

Free up until X, then client is responsible for hosting costs

Client is fully responsible