How to Connect to WiFi

How to Connect to WiFi

WIFI Networks

  • UCLA WEB – Network for guests and visitors of UCLA. The network does not require authentication and is not encrypted. Only allows web traffic.

  • UCLA WIFI – Requires users to connect through a portal page. Users can connect to it by entering their UCLA Logon ID (username) and password when prompted. This network can be used by faculty, students, staff and authorized guests.

  • EDUROAM – A secure wireless network built for the academic and research community and provides a global roaming access service in higher education institutions in Europe, Asia, Canada and the United States. Devices must be configured in advance before being able to connect to this network. This is preferred wireless network for all UCLA faculty, students and staff. User name must be in the following format [UCLALogonID]@ucla.edu the password is the same as for their UCLA Logon ID.